Welcome to Holy Branches!

Wondering why this site is changing? Here’s the answer.

In summary, I intend to reflect more clearly what I believe and practice to help my audience find the Biblically solid resources they need to grow in their faith. 

Believers arrive at the Hebrew Roots Movement because they are honestly seeking what God desires, but the Movement is a catch-all for Hebraic Believers with varying beliefs. It consists of a wide range of ideologies, from Christians who merely want to apply the whole Bible to how they practice their faith to Gentiles who practice or follow the teaching of Messianic Judaism. 

From the beginning of my family’s walk on the Hebraic path, we have leaned heavily toward a Messianic Jewish faith. I’ve found the Messianic Jews to be the most Biblically solid group I’ve encountered. They have thousands of years of Jewish wisdom based on the Hebrew Bible, combined with a solid understanding of the New Testament. My family has grown spiritually by leaps and bounds by being a part of a Messianic Jewish synagogue and community, open to teaching and leading us on our journey. 

As I change the website from Hebrew Roots Mom to Holy Branches, the information will mostly remain the same, with less emphasis on the Hebrew Roots Movement. While the concept of Hebrew Roots is valuable in understanding where we belong as Gentiles in God’s Kingdom, there are some specific reasons I’ve chosen to distance myself from the Hebrew Roots Movement itself. I would like to make it very clear that most in the HRM are honestly seeking and are in a place of valuable spiritual growth. However, I’ve occasionally seen beliefs or practices I find unbiblical and concerning in the HRM.

If you are a Believer seeking a deeper Biblical faith, I encourage you to be highly discerning in your search. I highly recommend you find a solid Messianic Jewish source as a starting point and grow from there. As I always advise, seek God in everything when making changes to your faith. Pray about all you hear regarding your faith, and use the Bible as the standard of truth.  

I wish you shalom and blessings on your journey,


Holy Branches

I’m a Gentile Believer, a devoted mother of five wonderful children, and the wife of an amazing husband. Nature, gardening, and dance bring joy and inspiration to my life. In my spare time, I play the piano, care for my garden, or study the Bible in Hebrew. And I’ll drop just about anything for a game of cards.

My unwavering quest for a genuine relationship with the God of the Bible has driven me to delve deeply into His Word, which guides my journey and shapes my life's path. This exploration, combined with dedication to living out my faith, is at the heart of my writing. I seek to share my insights and discoveries with readers, encouraging them to embark on their own spiritual journeys.

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1 Comment

  1. DollyDolly Toan says:

    Thank you for your time maintaining this valuable resource! God put the love for His chosen people and I referred to your helpful website a lot. Warmest blessings from Dolly

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